
Psychometric Testing & Coaching

Get the best from yourself and your teams

Psychometric Testing

The Leaders Institute of South Australia offers a range of psychometric tests to help individuals and teams better understand themselves and to then start productive conversations about maximising individual and workplace effectiveness.

Psychometric tests offered include The Leadership Circle (360 degree feedback), Clifton Strengths Assessment, Belbin, DiSC and many others.

Test results are all debriefed by qualified coaches and ongoing coaching can be arranged.

The Leaders Institute also offers individual and team coaching independently from psychometric testing.

Leadership Coaching

The Leaders Institute has experienced, expert coaches who can provide support for individuals and teams to help them become more effective. Coaching is available for people at all levels within an organisation, including executives.

The style of coaching may be strategic or focused on change transition, team leadership, or team performance. Our coaches can help individuals and teams to identify goals, ensure there is a shared understanding of those goals, and help guide them to attain these.

The Leaders Institute also offers a consulting service where we create tailored leadership development programs to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Our Tools

Our accredited facilitators use the following assessments to help unlock the potential in your teams.



Belbin is used worldwide for management, leadership and team development.

The system helps individuals to identify their key strengths and enables teams and organisations to bring together the right people to form high-performing teams.

Each person receives their own report, which includes an assessment of what type of Team Role they prefer. This can be a very useful tool in helping teams to start conversations about how they can best work together to maximise their combined performance.

Clifton Strengths

Clifton Strengths

Clifton Strengths is an assessment of an individual’s talents and natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. The assessment categorises these into themes that provide a valuable starting point to understand and maximise individual and team effectiveness.

Each participant receives their own Strengths Insight Guide, which provides assistance in developing self-awareness.



DiSC profiling helps individuals and teams increase their self-knowledge and provides a common language that can be used to discuss people’s behavioural differences.

Each participant receives a detailed report about their personality and behaviours, as well as tips for working with people who have different styles.

Expertship360 Survey

Expertship360 Survey

High-value individual subject matter experts and technical contributors need feedback in order to improve their performance. The Expertship360™ is the world's #1 tool for helping experts understand where they are performing, and where they could perform better. Expertship is a relatively new word aligned with but quite different to leadership. Expertship is defined as the insightful application of expertise leading to optimal outcomes (Gordon & Johnson, Master Expert, Expertunity Press 2021). Expertship describes what tech, financial, engineering, scientific, legal, actuarial, manufacturing, project managers and other experts – often the unsung heroes - do to keep the lights on in your organisation, and very often they find innovative ways to do so more effectively. Experts want to know how well they are doing compared to other experts, but need a valid assessment tool that makes sense in the complex environments in which they work. The Expertship 360™ allows experts to gain feedback from immediate and removed stakeholders, and measures the effectiveness of experts benchmarked against the Expertship model, The tool identifies areas of strength and development to work on, and delivers unparalleled actionable insights into performance and the opportunities where experts can add more value.

Genos Emotional Intelligence 360 Leadership Survey

Genos Emotional Intelligence 360 Leadership Survey

The Genos EI leadership survey is an evidence-based measure of EI in the workplace for leaders in middle management and above. It measures how well the leader demonstrates emotionally intelligent leadership competencies in comparison to others. The 180 assessment is based on self and direct report assessment; the 360 assessment includes peers, the leader’s leader, customers, and others. The more often the leader demonstrates the competencies (and associated behaviours) measured by the Genos leadership survey, the more effective their leadership should be. The assessment allows leaders to gain an understanding of how important EI behaviours are, how well they are demonstrating them, and how to address the gaps identified to support the improvement in their leadership effectiveness. Genos International was formed in 2002 by Swinburne University as the first Australian model and measure of emotional intelligence (EI), and now operates in Australia and the UK, with an extensive partner network offering Genos assessments and programs across the globe. Genos’ and broader research has proven that a leader’s EI is key to their capacity to facilitate emotions in others that drive high performance and employee engagement. Organisations with emotionally intelligent leaders achieve a high performance culture and customer loyalty.

The Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle is an internationally-renowned 360 degree feedback assessment for individuals or teams.

This assessment reveals valuable data about how individuals view themselves relative to others. A comprehensive report shows how individuals score on their perceived ability to achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, and act with integrity and courage.

De-briefing the results with an experienced coach is included and ongoing coaching can be arranged.



Used widely throughout the Leaders Institute programs, the TICK tool was developed by an Adelaide businessman and Psychologist, Des Hunt. The tool uses birds to represent four different personality types making the tool relatable and memorable allowing for greater understanding of self and others. 

With this greater understanding, team members are able to experiment with different ways to more effectively communicate with their team members that better fits with their personalities. With many business problems being people problems, this tool offers a fun and common language to discuss team behaviour and can have longer lasting effects on team dynamics and effectiveness.

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